
Features You Should Look for In a Fitness App

Fitness apps can be a great way to motivate yourself to get more active, but with so many choices, it can be hard to pick the right one. So, what features should you care about? While an app can have many features, the essentials are pretty simple: first, you need to make sure the app has workouts that appeal to you, whether running or yoga or strength or cardio. Then, make sure the exercises on the app are some forms of strength training. This means you’ll work almost every major muscle. Finally, ensure the exercises are varied enough so you won’t get bored and that the app offers enough variety so you won’t get bored with the same exercises all the time.

Top 10 Must-Have Features for Health & Fitness Apps

  1. User Personalization

User personalization is a method used by websites to collect bits of information about their users. This information is then used to present the user with content that is more relevant to the information they search for online.

  1. Wearable and Non-Wearable Device Integration

Wearable devices help track our steps, heart rate, and sleep patterns. Smartwatches and other wearables also help us manage our fitness programs and access notifications from our cell phones. But wearable devices also help us focus on our wellness in other ways. They allow us to monitor our blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, and humidity

  1. Activity Summaries by Specific Time Period

Find 24-hour activity summaries by specific time period (including daylight saving time). It calculates the number of minutes, hours, or days an individual was active during a specified period.

  1. Goal Setting

Goal setting is when you are setting a goal for yourself. You set a goal and commit to it. When you set a goal for others, like your family, friends, or coworkers, you set a goal for them.

  1. Tracking Metrics

Tracking metrics is one of the most important things you can do to grow your YouTube channel. Tracking metrics allows you to see what your audience likes and what they don’t and to tweak your video content accordingly. It can help you determine if your content is a hit or just another flop, enabling you to make adjustments that maximize your success.

  1. Push Notifications

Push notifications are the small popup windows that show up on your screen, notifying you when something has happened. One example is a breaking news alert or a notification that your friend just posted something on social media.

  1. Social Sharing

Social sharing is the act of posting a link to your website, email, or social media accounts on sites like Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Social sharing can be a powerful tool in spreading the word about your work, but unless it’s done correctly, it can also backfire on your brand.

  1. Community

Community is the heart of any group. It’s what many of us enjoy most about the local club, church, or school that we go to, and many of us are proud to be a part of it. The feeling is mutual. Imagine a world where the community was nowhere to be found, and you wouldn’t be around to talk about it.

  1. Gamification

Gamification is the practice of applying game theory to real world experiences. Gamification has been around since the 1990s when companies first realized how engaging games were to the general population.

  1. Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are one of the best ways to learn a new skill and master it. In 2017, tech tutorials on YouTube were more popular than ever. A quick search will give you dozens of results for how to learn how to do something on YouTube.

In the end, my advice is first to ask yourself if you are comfortable with an app tracking your location. If you are, then take a look at other features, such as calorie counting, directed workout plans, and integration with popular fitness apps. If you’re still unsure, then ask friends, family, and coworkers for their recommendations.

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